Minutes – March 5, 2012

Telephone: Allan BELL (UBC Library),  Jill TEASLEY (AABC), Brian OWEN (SFU Library), Ken COOLEY (UVic Library), Brenda SMITH (BCHF)
Guest: Michael BURRIS (BCLFeds)
Regrets: Simon Neame (IKBLC), Heather DALY (SD#43), James MACDONALD (UNBC Library)
Agenda Item Summary Action
1. Welcome and Introductions   The Coalition welcomed guest Michael Burris to the meeting.  Mr. Burris attended the meeting in the interest of the BC Library Federations. He is Executive Director of Public Library InterLINK
2.   Review of Minutes from Last meeting  Mike verified that the current West Beyond the West Portal is hosted by Our OntarioMike continues to repair broken links on the website that resulted from the migrationMembers of the subcommittee have been added to the website

The letter of understanding has been revised with the ownership clause removed.  Canadiana is happy with the letter


Mike to work with Simon on a funder acknowledgement statement for the websiteMike to get the finalized Letter of understanding between the Coalition and Canadiana sign
3.       Operationalizing services   Portal:Ben Hyman expressed interest in the BC Libraries Cooperative hosting the search portal.


The Coaltion partners were in agreement that the best way to handing billing is to have users prepay for hosting and have Artefactual bill them directly This will reduce administration and overhead costs to the Coalition.  The cost is $1/GB /Month.

It was agreed that it will be necessary for the Coalition to cover the annual $1500 hosting fee. On option is to rotate this charge annually between the larger members.

Mike to liaise between the Cooperative’s sysadmin and the portal developer to ensure the host has the specs needed. 


Mike to advise Artefactual of the decision.

4. Report from the Technical Subcommittee Reviewed rough timeline from Artefactual for DCB DevelopmentArtefactual has given us a very brief timeline.  They plan to incorporate our requirements into release 1.3 of the DCB and work will begin shortly.

Artefactual expects to have the DCB completed and ready for soft launch by early September.  Once we get back to them on the hosting options we will seek a more detailed timeline

Mike is waiting to receive a signed contract from Dave Kisly for the portal development.  Dave will create a site in Drupal to receive submissions for metadata wrangling.

Dave will be working on the portal and metadata wrangling concurrently.  He expects to have basic search functionality complete within the month but development of commenting, authentication and admin components will take longer.

The technical subcommittee hopes to find a SLAIS student to help with testing and bug reporting.



Mike will work with Dave to establish instructions for metadata upload.

Next Meeting: June 19, 2012
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